01/12/2020 – 24/12/2020
we present a new work of art every day.
the original can be seen in our shop window at riesengasse 8, old town, innsbruck.
if you are interested, the works can be purchased by phone or by mail.
24. december 2020

in the early 90s she was one of the shooting stars of contemporary art in austria. but in the midst of her flight to fame she suddenly dropped out, only to return many years later with messages that are hard to beat in terms of clarity.
23. december 2020

“nostalgia” is a thematic excerpt from a larger series and was taken in 2013 in a viennese municipal building that was about to be demolished. this series is about absence, the search for traces and the appropriation of spaces. it is about the absence of life, thus also the absence of fullness.
in the ten photographs, czihak’s gaze focuses on places where a box or a wall of cupboards used to stand. ten absent cupboards, filled with things from the lives of the former residents, are the centre of attention. empty spaces remain and move this former fullness into the foreground.
22. december 2020

schöpfer lives and works in innsbruck. From 1984 to 1991 she studied at the university of applied arts with prof. caramelle and prof. oberhuber. “…groupings, such as gatherings of people, cloud formations or moving particles of a material, which constantly restructure themselves into new group bodies, are observed in their momentary sharpness or moving blurriness and superimposed in their temporalities…” (n. creator)
21. december 2020

“He has made the boundary between the concrete and the abstract even more blurred by deliberately using the form of possibility. He puts our vision, our perception to the test. Starting from nature, transforming it and yet respecting it, he creates images that can exist without the model. They are neither after-images nor equivalents; they are floating, ambiguous, open to different readings….” (w. drechsler)
20. december 2020

kreinecker lives and works in prambachkirchen (oö). her “investigation of reality” and the attempt to find out something true in the process describes her personal approach to painting, drawing and also cutting on wood. She observes and investigates the boundary between intimacy and the outside world, mainly dealing with people.
19. december 2020

after a short career as a snowboarder, he trained as a wood sculptor and has been working as an artist since 2004. his figurative sculptures made of red or black glued wood mostly depict detailed, realistic-looking human bodies. he combines old sculptural knowledge and technical skills with current and contemporary themes.
18. december 2020

glettler was born in übelbach , styria. he is an austrian artist and clergyman. since his studies (theology and art history) he has been working as a curator, art mediator and artist. his starting point in his artistic work was painting without objects. The artist experimented with balloon sculptures and their photographic documentation. in recent years he has concentrated mainly on conceptual work.
17. december 2020

after completing his education at the university of art in linz, raitmayr studied at the academy of fine arts under bruno gironcoli. by training, raitmayr is a sculptor. As such, he creates minimalist sculptures in which the superficially applied model-like quality and the associated trivialisation are ultimately condensed into a far-reaching network of associations and references. (…g.dankl)
16. december 2020

bernd püribauer has been drawing for the falter column “animal of the week” since 1997 and in the course of time has acquired a whole stable of animals that present an animal counterpart to the human observer and illustrate the relationship between the human and animal worlds in a subtly ironic way.
15. december 2020

vill lives in innsbruck and amsterdam. in her sketches and acrylic paintings, she has been working since 1991 solely with the versal A, which serves independently as a basic compositional form, detached from its function. in her photographs, as in her painting, she plays with the dissolution of the visible into the infinite. she shows transparent objects that dissolve the boundaries of photography through the way they are presented and seem like painting.
14. december 2020

after studying art at the istituto dell’arte, caporali worked for the arezzo ministry of culture, restoring frescoes by piero della francesca, beato angelo, signorelli and vasari. caporali still lives in tuscany as a freelance artist. his works take us into the invisible. layer by layer, the paint is applied to the image carrier, worked on, partly scraped off again, provided with materials until he arrives at his dimension of the original, without time and place – the infinite.
13. december 2020

in his series of “diaries”, moser works mainly on handmade, textured paper. he meticulously draws horizontal lines on a light background with the finest of lines, thus simulating a collage. some works are titled with the date of their creation. both graphically designed typefaces and works with an architectural appearance belong to this series, which is not yet completed. from his youth onwards, moser has been involved with photography, painting and graphics. his first exhibitions took place in the 1980s, and since his retirement from working life he has intensified his artistic activities.
12. december 2020

ilse abka was encouraged artistically at an early age. she received her first acting lessons at the age of five and played the role of agnes in the film the year of the lord at the age of ten. however, she soon became more interested in painting, which she learnt in the studios of stage designers. after her school-leaving examination, she studied at the academy of fine arts in vienna under robin christian andersen and herbert boeckl from 1958. at the academy she met the tyrolean painter and draughtsman peter prandstetter, whom she soon married and with whom she moved to tyrol. she interrupted her artistic training until she was invited by max weiler to continue her studies in his class at the vienna academy, which she completed with a diploma in 1970.
11. december 2020

battistin was born in 1988 in vittorio veneto, province of treviso, and currently lives near innsbruck. the picturesque landscape, the almost untouched nature of the upper italy region inspires battistin in his work. after studying architecture in nearby venice, he travelled the world to find new places of inspiration. his depiction of nature is composed of fine strokes that show it in its fragility and beauty.
10. december 2020

altmüller studied at the hochschule für künstlerische und industrielle gestaltung in linz. his works show a mixture of abstract and representational painting. bands of colour, which are executed as expressive-impulsive brushstrokes, serve as abstract elements, as do perspective-painted patterns and wallpaper-like backgrounds. tilting perspectives create a dream-like impression. the happening between the self and the self, the dialogue between the subconscious and the conscious is what altmüller shows in his paintings.
9. december 2020

diesner was an austrian painter. she received her first drawing lessons in geneva in 1930. she studied in brighton from 1935 to 1937 and continued her studies at the academy of fine arts in vienna at the end of the 1930s. during the war she worked as a painter of traditional costumes at the tiroler volkskunstmuseum. diesner created a body of work characterised by luminous colours. together with weiler, honeder and scholz, she is one of the most important artists in tirol.
8. december 2020

citny is a german musician and visual artist. together with thierry noir he is known as berlin wall painter. in 1985 he painted 3.6 metre high heads on the berlin wall. the illegal action was an attempt to “enclose east berlin with art”. with the fall of the wall, his paintings entered international art collections – including the museum of modern art in new york (MOMA).
7. december 2020

reinhold, who studied with herbert tasquill at the academy in vienna from 1974 to 1978, initiated the “neue wilde” in austria in the late 1970s together with bohatsch, anzinger, schmalix and klinkan. In the mid-1980s, he turned to the media-reflexive aspects of the gallery and photography, which still shape his work today. Reinhold’s oil painting concentrates on the fundamental specifics of painting; these superimpositions invite an archaeological way of seeing in order to grasp the pictorial space.
6. december 2020

born in klagenfurt, he has lived and worked in innsbruck since 1985. he works with a wide variety of materials such as antique ink, graphite, pastels and has chosen molino as the background for this series. his portfolio consists of collages, objets trouvees, readymades, installations and vintage polaroid photography.
5. december 2020

the artist matta wagnest started out in graz and is represented worldwide with her work. she studied with peter weibel. Her work includes painting, graphics, objects, installations and performances. a central element of her work is love, for which she has created her own term “attam”, which is also her signature.
4. december 2020

seyerl studied with walter eckert in vienna from 1971 to 1976 and is one of the representatives of the new sachlickeit. the artist roams through everyday life with respect and attention. the urban spaces and landscapes are painted in different light, at different times of day, in often overlapping contrasts, light and dark. the specific location, inside and outside the scenes in the pictorial creations.” (brigitte ambros)
3. december 2020

vonbank completed his studies at the academy of fine arts in vienna with c.l. attersee with distinction. between 2005 and 2012 the two made an extensive series of collaborative works and exhibited together several times. the artist lived and worked in innsbruck from 1986 to 1991. vonbank’s works show grotesques; they are very expressive, explosive, manic subjects that develop primarily through the power of colour.
2. december 2020

the young korean artist graduated from helmut federle’s art academy in düsseldorf in 2004. he describes his paintings as feelings, as a mirror of his soul. through the multi-layered application of thin acrylic paints on white-primed canvas, he develops a colour space that knows how to fascinate. for the circles, he uses a wash-out technique that is executed with the brush, without a template.
1. december 2020
OTTO MÜHL (1925 – 2013)

mühl was an austrian action artist and representative of viennese actionism. during his studies of art education at the academy of fine arts he worked as a painting therapist and drawing teacher. in the early 1960s he turned away from painting and started his junk sculptures and material actions. the manifesto “die blutorgel”, created in the course of his exhibition with nitsch and frohner, marks the beginning of viennese actionism.