14/05/2022 – 18/06/2022
maryam mohammadi was born in 1979 in tehran (iran). after studying photography and art history at the university of tehran, she also taught photography there from 2003 to 2009. she works as a photographic artist with a focus on staged photography and as a curator. in many of her photographic works she refers to women in different cultural and social contexts, always putting herself in the picture. since 2009 she has been living in graz, where she also works with joachim hainzl for the association “xenos – verein zur förderung der soziokulturellen vielfalt”. the project “wir schaffen das! “was realised with the institute for art in public space styria, the kunsthaus graz , DIVAN – caritas styria and the antidiscrimination office styria. it shows five afghan women living in graz, who formulate their personal plans for the future through strong gestures and unexpected accessories. they break with prejudices and mark their very individual goals. their self-portrayal demonstrates feminist strength beyond cultural attribution. the title of the work refers to the famous words of angela merkel, who invoked the strong vision of a good future in a heterogeneous community during the migration summer of 2015. “we can do it!”